Bem-vindo, Welcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenido...
By visiting this site, you are opening a door to the Church of Santa Cruz do Castelo, which welcomes you as a member of our community, our parish and our neighbourhood. We really want you to be able to experience here the desire to leave your computer, once and for all, for the enormous desire to visit us in person. The few inhabitants of the Castelo de São Jorge neighbourhood, in their poverty, show the greatest wealth they have - their Heart. Every Sunday, in this church of Santa Cruz do Castelo, we pray for you and your family. The Relic of the Holy Cross, which has been in our possession for so many centuries, is eager to see you, to bless you. I, as the priest of Santa Cruz do Castelo, would very much like to welcome you and get to know you... Over the next two years you'll have plenty of opportunities to follow us on the agenda of the many activities we'll be doing
Padre Edgar Clara
Padre Edgar Clara